Category Archives: Made in USA Gifts

We Pledge Made in USA Gifts this Christmas

We Pledge Made in USA Gifts this Christmas

Rustic Christmas Wreath
Made in America By Christmas Forest

It is not always easy to purchase Made in the USA during the holidays. It can be difficult to find just the right gifts and of course with all of those tempting Black Friday deals on imported gifts, it can be a challenge to fit Made in the USA products into your budget.

However, we have found that Made in the USA is getting to be more cost effective and we have made it easier to find.  We created the web site This guide has something for just about anyone on your Christmas list and you will find great prices too.

The upside to buying Made in the USA during the holidays is that you are helping to create jobs for the hard working men and women who are producing these products here in America and you are telling retailers that you are tired of imports. You want more selection and you want quality Made in the USA products when you shop.

While it is still impossible to find most electronics Made in the USA, the clothing industry as well as toys and baby products are making a strong comeback. So take a moment to visit the Made in USA Christmas Gift Guide and share it with everyone you know. Lets keep Americans working!


Before you buy Candy to Fill Those Easter Baskets

Before you buy Candy to Fill Those Easter Baskets

April 14, 2017

If you have been down the Easter candy aisle of your local big box store this year you may have noticed the wide assortment and variety of Easter candy that is available. Gone are the days when a simple chocolate bunny or bag of jelly beans will do. Now we have Star Wars bunnies, princess bunnies, marshmallow treats and more.

Yet among all the sugar laden treats and brightly colored packaging there is something amiss in the world of Easter candy. Something you should know before you stock up on the Easter themed goodies that you will be filling your child’s Easter Basket with this year.

No longer is it safe to assume that the candy you buy is Made in the USA. In fact a lot of it is now Made in China or Mexico.

The only way you will know for sure is if you turn that package over and read the label. If you find the words Made in China or Mexico on the item, don’t buy it.

Perhaps next year the big box stores will stock more of the Made in USA candy instead of adding more Made in China or Mexico to their product offerings.

Have a wonderful Made in USA Easter in 2017.